Camp Johnsonburg:
This summer, I volunteered as a chaplain for one week at Camp Johnsonburg’s summer camp. In a day and age where so many of our churches have fewer and fewer children attending, Camp Johnsonburg provides a vital ministry to hundreds of children and youth throughout the summer. This summer, the theme was: Linked by Love. Each day, the children and youth gathered for simple worship services in the morning and in the evening to learn about how God is at work in their lives.
We started with:
Linked by love: We are all beloved children of God. Each and every one of us. God loves us just as we are.
Linked by presence: We are called to be a community together. God asks us to be there for one another. When someone is struggling, we can be present with them.
Linked by grace: we shared the story of the Prodigal Son and how God’s grace is like the father who welcomes his son home. God’s grace is freely given to each and every one of us.
Linked to change: There are things in the world that need to be changed. God calls people to be a voice for others. I used the example of the Dr. Seuss book, the Lorax to illustrate how the trees cannot speak out for themselves but need the Lorax to protect them.
On one evening, the children and youth were divided up by age and had the opportunity to ask the chaplains any question of faith that they have. Our young people are deep thinkers and are thinking of who they are and how faith fits into their lives.
Camp Johnsonburg is not just for our children and youth. Throughout the year there is programming for adults as well.
There will be a Women’s Retreat, Oct. 25-27 – Our theme for this retreat will be “Delightful, Disruptive, and Delicious: Eating with Jesus”. Gather for a weekend of studying the Word, preparing Mediterranean meals, and sharing table fellowship.
To learn more about camp Johnsonburg, check out their website: or their Facebook page.
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